Less meat

Meno carne


1 slice of meat = 73 trees

Excessive meat consumption leads to health problems and has a large environmental impact. Eating every day the classic steak implies over 700kg of CO2 emissions per year. 73 trees are needed to compensate.

[message type=”normal” close_button_style=”light”]More quality and less quantity. Low cost meat means low quality for us and low quality of life for the animals we eat.[/message]
[message type=”normal” close_button_style=”light”]Replacing meet with chicken or fish improve significantly your environmental impact (less than a half).[/message]

Food has a significant impact on our health, our mood, on animals’ life, on forests, on the amount of goods transported on our roads and through the various continents.

It has a considerable influence on the total amount of CO2 that we emit in a year. Therefore it’s essential to understand how to reduce it without changing our tastes and our habits.
Feed, grow,transport the animals and preserve meat after slaughter is energetically very expensive and also environmentally. Among all types of meat, beef meet is certainly the one with the greatest environmental impact.
Move from a primarily carnivorous diet, with daily intake of beef , to a vegetarian diet , (no meat and no fish, but eating milk, cheese and eggs), avoids the emission of over 1.300kg of CO2 per year. Equivalent to planting 130 trees!!!

But even without adopting radical choices , you can dramatically improve your carbon footprint by simply reducing the consumption of beef , and preferring poultry and fish , which provide the same quantity of proteins with a much lower amount of CO2.
But reducing CO2 emissions is just one of the positive aspects of reducing meat consumption. Many other aspects have to be considered.
Reduce consumption of meat, and beef meat in particular, allows:

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  • to Improve health, as high protein intake and animal fats is linked to many diseases including cancer and heart disease;

  • to limit the killing and exploitation, sometimes cruel, of animal;

  • to avoid destroying forests for opening space to new pastures

  • to reduce the share of farmland devoted to feeding the animals we eat (now equal to 60 % !! ), automatically increasing the agricultural space dedicated to feed humanity!


Eating less meat is therefore fundamental for health, for the environment, for animals, and for the whole humanity!

Numero di alberi necessari per compensare le emissioni di CO2
[button icon_size=”fa-lg” target=”_self” font_weight=”100″ text=”DISCOVER OTHER CARBON FOOTPRINT” link=”http://howmanytrees.org/what-is-the-carbon-footprint/” text_align=”center”]
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